So, this is another passion of mine: traveling. I'm one of these lucky people for whom traveling and working are tightly connected. I travel either for artistic inspiration, to gather photo references, or simply because the movie I work on takes me to a different location.

In this section, you will find links to my latest traveling pictures and videos, from Europe to Asia to the Middle East. Click on the images to go to the full list of pictures or the video, and don't forget there are several pages, not just this one.

 You can find a full list of all the trips here.


Norway 2007

This is probably one of the most beautiful short trip I took in Europe in 2007, while living in Luxembourg. Europe in the summer time is just so wonderful. Just check out the pictures.


Paris 2007

Again, one of the short trips I took while living in Luxembourg in 2007. Although Paris was very familiar to me, as I had lived there for 4 years.


Bruxelles & Bruges 2007

In 2007, while I was in Luxembourg, working on the movie "9", I took several short trips throughout Europe. That's the one I took to Belgium:


Luxembourg 2007

In 2007, I had to go back to Europe (Luxembourg) to work on the movie "9". Eventually, the movie switched location and was completed in Toronto, Canada. Nonetheless, these are the pictures taken during that European temporary stay. Good times!Click on the picture below:

Journal of the trip: the 2 long emails I sent to my friends.

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